Accreditation, Recognition & Certifications

IIMRT is an ISO 9001-2015 International B-School. We are affiliated to the Vidhya Shikshak Seva Mandal, which is duly registered under act 29 of 1950, Government of Gujarat, with a focus of giving a new dimension to distance learning education. Vidhya Shikshak Seva Mandal-Government Registered Ahmedabad- Gujarat No.19382.

Nimbus Certifications

Indian Institute of Management Research & Technology(IIMRT) is registered with Nimbus Certifications which is registered with Accreditation services for certifying bodies (Europe). This accreditation ensures the authenticity of valid certificate issued from IIMRT. Since 1995 ASCB(E) has been actively involved in tertiary levels of quality assurance for further education programmes. Accreditation of training programmes provides an essential level of assurance for Trading Standards Organisations, Local Authorities, Chambers of Commerce, Insurance Companies and Higher Education Establishments. Independent accreditation by ASCB(E) and similar accreditation authorities is often an essential pre-requisite for the delivery of training under the auspices of the above and similar categories of organisation or association.

In ASCBE, the accreditation activity will ensure that the totality of training provision is appropriate for the intended or target trainee and their employers where appropriate. This is achieved via the provision of quality assurance measures designed to ensure that the training requirement or input, matches the training and educational material, or output. In addition, ASCB(E) accreditation will ensure that the training provider has addressed those essential ancillary and logistical support activities, including essential Health & Safety requirements as well as the academic and administrative support, that results in the correct delivery and assimilation by students of the training and educational material.

It is a requirement of the training accreditation process that course training plans are prepared defining key elements of the training provision. These are reviewed by ASCB(E) and verified at site. Copies of all training materials are retained within the ASCB(E) library and courses are attended by accreditation officers in order to verify the appropriateness of delivery and to derive feedback and comment from students and to assess levels of 'customer' satisfaction.

International Accreditation Forum

The main agenda behind the creation of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is to promote quality in distance education and training, and to provide approval and notice of open, virtual, and distance learning programmes and course-providers worldwide. IAF members include schools, colleges, universities, websites, private training companies, corporate training departments, NGOs, and other companies of four continents.

Trade Mark Registration

Indian Institute of Management Research & Technology Registered Under Trade Mark Registration by Govt. Of India

Authorized Study Center

We are an authorised study center for Gitam University.

Educational Right – Legal Value

Under Human Rights Protection Act 1993, autonomous body have been given special protection and consideration. According to J.P. Unnikrishnan Vs Govt. of Andhra Pradesh AIR 1993 Supreme Court 2178 verdict voluntary organization like Trusts, Societies etc. have right to spread education and issue Certiļ¬cates for Degrees/Diplomas Courses.

Authorized Academic Partners


Associated with as Academic Partner for Courses and Study Online